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Image by Annie Spratt

Final Signatories

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Final Signatories are the decision-making gatekeepers that keep the company safe.


In addition to an in-depth knowledge of the ABPI Code of Practice, Signatories should have broad experience in the various marketing and communication activities of the company. Signatories should also know how to apply their knowledge of the Code so they can identify and assess the risk associated with those activities before taking a final decision about the appropriate way to proceed.


Compliance Hub has a range of workshops and materials to support both existing and aspiring final Signatories in their application of the ABPI Code.

Signatory Development Programme

Depending on your level of experience within the industry or within the marketing part of the business, you can enter the programme at the right level for you. We recommend...

Workshops for Signatories

Compliance Hub is delighted to offer existing and aspiring Signatories a range of workshops that supports their continuing professional development.


Compliance Hub publishes a number of books written by our Managing Director, Steve Gray.


The most popular book with Signatories is “The Code Explained”.


There is no substitute for personalised learning.

Code Awareness Service

The Code Awareness Service is an easy way to stay up to date with the outcome of Code cases.


We know that diary committments do not always permit attendance at prescheduled workshops. With that in mind Compliance Hub is pleased to offer a number of e-learning courses.

Pharma Case Archive

Imagine a database of historical code cases. One that is searchable by topic, clause number or keyword.


Information tbc

Contact us on 01525 292020 or send us an email

A positive approach to compliance.

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